A STUDY ON THE EFFECTS OF HYBRID WORK ONE YEAR AFTER THE PANDEMICic The German Fraunhofer Institute for Work and Organization (IAO) and the German Society for Personnel Management (DGFP) have done a study on the effects of hybrid work one year after the pandemic...
May 15, 2023 | ASSESSMENT
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS REGARDING MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT Q: Are Management Assessments still a relevant tool for Selection and Talent-Management Purposes? A: For sure they are, and they will be in the future. Q: Why? A: Because the method as such allows for simulating a...
Feb 28, 2023 | ASSESSMENT
THE ROLE OF PEOPLE SKILLS IN LEADERSHIP POSITIONS Already quite a number of years ago, Peter Drucker wrote “The more we automate information-handling, the more we will have to create opportunities for effective communication.” In our days his words have not lost any...